Conserving and enhancing our wealth of wildlife |
We are at an early stage in the development of species action, although it is ultimately intended to match/link with activity needed for the various regional habitats. To do this will involve some prioritisation decisions.

BAP species reviewed
A review of the UK BAP priority species in the East of England was commissioned in 2009. This task was completed in early 2010 and the full report can be found in this site's Archive (click here to view or download a PDF).

The local BAP partnerships and the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) supplied the core data for this commission. To summarise the highlights, the report confined itself to the 529 species recorded in the East of England's six counties.
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Priority species determined
The species categories present in the East of England were determined as follows, to see the first 25 species in each list, click the headings, once you have done so, to see the full list, click more:
Birds |
Acrocephalus paludicola |
Arctic Warbler |
Acrocephalus palustris |
Marsh Warbler |
Alauda arvensis subsp.arvensis/
scotica |
Skylark |
Anser albifrons subsp. Albifrons |
White-fronted Goose |
Anser albifrons subsp.flavirostris |
Greenland Greater White-fronted Goose |
Anthus trivialis |
Tree Pipit |
Aythya marila |
Greater Scaup |
Botaurus stellaris |
Great Bittern |
Branta bernicla subsp. bernicla |
Dark-bellied Brent Goose |
Burhinus oedicnemus |
Stone-curlew |
Caprimulgus europaeus |
European Nightjar |
Carduelis cabaret |
Lesser Redpoll |
Carduelis cannabina subsp.autochthona/ cannabina |
Common Linnet |
Carduelis flavirostris subsp.bensonorum/ pipilans |
Twite |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Hawfinch |
Crex crex |
Corncrake |
Cuculus canorus |
Common Cuckoo |
Cygnus columbianus subsp.bewickii |
Bewick's Swan |
Dendrocopos minor subsp.comminutus |
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker |
Emberiza calandra subsp.calandra/ clanceyi |
Corn Bunting |
Emberiza cirlus |
Cirl Bunting |
Emberiza citrinella |
Yellowhammer |
Emberiza schoeniclus |
Reed Bunting |
Gavia arctica |
Black-throated Diver |
Jynx torquilla Eurasian |
Herptiles |
Anguis fragilis |
Slow-worm |
Bufo bufo |
Common Toad |
Epidalea calamita |
Natterjack Toad |
Natrix natrix |
Grass Snake |
Pelophylax lessonae |
Pool frog |
Triturus cristatus |
Great-crested Newt |
Vipera berus |
Adder |
Zootoca vivipara |
Common Lizard |
Fish (excluding purely marine species) |
Acipenser sturio |
Common Sturgeon |
Alosa alosa |
Allis Shad |
Alosa fallax |
Twaite Shad |
Anguilla anguilla |
European Eel |
Cobitis taenia |
Spined Loach |
Lampetra fluviatilis |
Lampern/River Lamprey |
Lota lota |
Burbot |
Osmerus eperlanus |
Smelt |
Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey |
Salmo salar |
Atlantic Salmon |
Salmo trutta |
Brown/Sea Trout |
Marine species |
Ammodytes marinus |
Lesser Sandeel |
Balaenoptera acutorostrata |
Minke Whale |
Balaenoptera borealis |
Sei Whale |
Balaenoptera physalus |
Fin Whale |
Cetorhinus maximus |
Basking Shark |
Clupea harengus |
Herring |
Delphinus delphis |
Common Dolphin |
Dermochelys coriacea |
Leatherback Turtle |
Dipturus batis |
Common Skate |
Gadus morhua |
Cod |
Galeorhinus galeus |
Tope |
Globicephala melas |
Long-finned Pilot Whale |
Hippocampus guttulatus |
Long-snouted Seahorse |
Hippocampus hippocampus |
Short-snouted Seahorse |
Hyperoodon ampullatus |
Northern Bottlenose Whale |
Lagenorhynchus acutus |
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin |
Lagenorhynchus albirostris |
White-beaked Dolphin |
Lamna nasus |
Porbeagle Shark |
Lophius piscatorius |
Sea Monkfish |
Merlangius merlangus |
Whiting |
Mesoplodon bidens |
Sowerby’s Beaked Whale |
Micromesistius poutassou |
Blue Whiting |
Molva molva |
Ling |
Orcinus orca |
Killer Whale |
Ostrea edulis |
Native Oyster |
Terrestrial invertebrates |
Acronicta rumicis |
Knot Grass |
Adscita statices |
Forester |
Aeshna isosceles |
Norfolk Aeshna, Norfolk Hawker |
Agonopterix atomella |
Greenweed Flat-body Moth |
Agonopterix capreolella |
Fuscous Flat-body Moth |
Agonum scitulum |
Agrochola helvola |
Flounced Chestnut |
Agrochola litura |
Brown-spot Pinion |
Agrochola lychnidis |
Beaded Chestnut |
Agroeca cuprea |
Golden Lantern-spider |
Aleucis distinctata |
Sloe Carpe |
Allophyes oxyacanthae |
Green-brindled Crescent |
Amara fusca |
Wormwood Moonshiner |
Amphipoea oculea |
Ear Moth |
Amphipyra tragopoginis |
Mouse Moth |
Anania funebris |
White-spotted Sable Moth |
Andrena ferox |
Oak Mining Bee |
Andrena tarsata |
Anisus vorticulus |
Little Worlpool Ram's-horn Snail |
Anostirus castaneus |
Chestnut Click Beetle |
Apamea anceps |
Large Nutmeg |
Apamea remissa |
Dusky Brocade |
Aplasta ononaria |
Rest Harrow |
Aporophyla lutulenta |
Deep-brown Dart |
Terrestrial mammals |
Arvicola terrestris |
Water Vole |
Barbastella barbastellus |
Barbastelle Bat |
Erinaceus europaeus |
West European Hedgehog |
Lepus europaeus |
Brown Hare |
Lutra lutra |
European Otter |
Martes martes |
Pine Marten |
Micromys minutus |
Harvest Mouse |
Muscardinus avellanarius |
Hazel Dormouse |
Mustela putorius |
Polecat |
Myotis bechsteinii |
Bechstein's Bat |
Nyctalus noctula |
Noctule Bat |
Pipistrellus pygmaeus |
Soprano Pipistrelle |
Plecotus auritus |
Brown Long-eared Bat |
Rhinolophus hipposideros |
Lesser Horseshoe Bat |
Sciurus vulgaris |
Eurasian Red Squirrel |
Fungi/lichens |
Anaptychia ciliaris subsp.ciliaris |
Bacidia incompta |
Battarrea phalloides |
Sandy Stiltball |
Bovista paludosa |
Fen Puffball |
Buellia asterella |
Starry Breck Lichen |
Caloplaca atroflava |
Caloplaca flavorubescens |
Caloplaca luteoalba |
Orange-fruited Elm-lichen |
Caloplaca virescens |
Cantharellus friesii |
Orange Chanterelle |
Cliostomum corrugatum |
Enterographa sorediata |
Entoloma bloxamii |
Big Blue Pinkgill |
Fulgensia fulgens |
Geastrum berkeleyi |
Berkeley's Earthstar |
Geastrum corollinum |
Weathered Earthstar |
Geastrum elegans |
Elegant Earthstar |
Geastrum minimum |
Tiny Earthstar |
Hericium coralloides |
Coral Tooth |
Hericium erinaceus |
Bearded Tooth-fungus, Lion's Mane, Hedgehog |
Hydnellum concrescens |
Zoned Tooth |
Hydnellum scrobiculatum |
Ridged Tooth |
Hydnellum spongiosipes |
Velvet Tooth |
Leptogium brebissonii |
Microglossum olivaceum |
Earth-tongue |
Non-vascular plants |
Bryum knowltonii |
Knowlton's Thread-moss |
Ceratodon conicus |
Scarce Redshank |
Chara baltica |
Baltic Stonewort |
Chara canescens |
Bearded Stonewort |
Chara connivens |
Convergent Stonewort |
Chara intermedia |
Intermediate Stonewort |
Fossombronia foveolata |
Pitted Frillwort |
Leiocolea rutheana |
Fen Notchwort (Norfolk Flapwort) |
Leptodontium gemmascens |
Thatch Moss |
Lophozia capitata |
Large-celled Flapwort |
Nitella gracilis |
Slender Stonewort |
Nitella tenuissima |
Dwarf Stonewort |
Nitellopsis obtusa |
Starry Stonewort |
Orthotrichum obtusifolium |
Blunt-leaved Brittle-moss |
Orthotrichum pallens |
Pallavicinia lyellii |
Veilwort |
Petalophyllum ralfsii |
Petalwort |
Physcomitrium eurystomum |
Norfolk Bladder-moss |
Sphaerocarpos texanus |
Texas Balloonwort |
Tolypella intricata |
Tassel Stonewort |
Tolypella prolifera |
Great Tassel Stonewort |
Tortula vahliana |
Chalk Screw-moss |
Weissia squarrosa |
Spreading-leaved Beardless-moss |
Weissia sterilis |
Sterile Beardless-moss |
Zygodon forsteri |
Knothole Moss |
Vascular plants |
Aceras anthropophorum |
Man Orchid |
Adonis annua |
Pheasant's-eye |
Ajuga chamaepitys |
Ground-pine |
Alisma gramineum |
Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain |
Arabis glabra |
Tower Mustard |
Arnoseris minima |
Lamb's Succory |
Artemisia campestris |
Field Wormwort |
Astragalus alpinus |
Alpine Milk-vetch |
Astragalus danicus |
Purple Milk-vetch |
Atriplex pedunculata |
Pedunculate Sea-purslane |
Blysmus compressus |
Flat-sedge |
Bromus interruptus |
Interrupted Brome |
Bupleurum rotundifolium |
Throw-wax |
Bupleurum tenuissimum |
Slender Hare's-ear |
Calamagrostis stricta |
Narrow Small-reed |
Campanula patula |
Spreading Bellflower |
Campanula rapunculus |
Rampion Bellflower |
Carex divisa |
Divided Sedge |
Carex ericetorum |
Rare Spring-sedge |
Carex vulpina |
True Fox-sedge |
Carum carvi |
Caraway |
Centaurea calcitrapa |
Red Star-thistle |
Centaurea cyanus |
Cornflower |
Cephalanthera damasonium |
White Helleborine |
Chamaemelum nobile |
Chamomile |
Of this 529 species it was noted that 142 of them were common to all six counties.
The study was rigorous, as the dataset assembled for this task distinguished between those present in 1990 up to the present day and those noted in a 2000-2009 survey. It was postulated that those species no longer appearing in the second more recent list were deemed as possibly no longer existing in the county/counties concerned.
To download the Priority Species PDF, click here |