Underpinning the
Regional Plan are a wide variety of LBAPs. To view links to LBAPs click here > |

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the latest targets
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In this section of the site you will find a useful glossary, the action plans for each of the six delivery plan challenges, an archive of Forum minutes, a library of useful reports and literature, plus case studies, reports on projects and a cache of old website pages for reference purposes. |
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
EH |
English Heritage |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
Eastern Region Public Health Observatory |
FC |
Forestry Commission |
Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group |
GI |
Green infrastructure |
GO-East |
Government Office for the East of England |
Green Space East |
Habitat Action Plan |
Higher Level Stewardship |
Joint Nature Conservation Committee |
Landscape-scale |
A ‘big-country’ approach to the creation of GI assets. |
LAs |
Local Authorities |
Underpinning regional BAPs are more local plans, known as Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs). These plans represent the policy backdrop to enable county-level and local organisations to direct action to the habitats and species that are threatened and need most help in the UK. At the local level, biodiversity partnerships have developed their own biodiversity action plans setting out what is needed to deliver both national and local priorities. To date hundreds of LBAPs have been adopted in the East of England. This acronym is also used to refer to Local Biodiversity Action Plan Partnerships. |
Local Development Framework |
Landscape Description Units. The original 'Opportunity' map was based on level 1 building blocks that equate to a 1: 250,000 scale. The new refined map exploits a level 2 building block to a scale of 1: 50,000 |
LDVs |
Local Delivery Vehicles |
LRCs |
Local Records Centres |
LSPs |
Local Strategic Partnerships |
Maintain habitat: |
Ensure there is no loss in current habitat resource or quality, and that the physical processes required to maintain the habitats are operating. |
Marine Conservation Society |
Marine and Fisheries Agency |
Marine Management Organisation |
Marine Protected Areas |
Norfolk Biological Information Services |
National Biodiversity Network |
‘Networking nature’ |
The harnessing of local conservation activity to exploit functional linkages to create a more strategic interconnected landscape. |
NE |
Natural England |
National Farmers Union |
NGOs |
Non-governmental organisations, including Buglife,
Froglife, Plantlife, The Wildlife Trusts, NT, RSPB, WT |
National Health Service |
NI 197 |
National Indicator on Local Wildlife Sites |
National Nature Reserve |
NT |
National Trust |
Ofwat |
Office of Water Services |
Primary Care Trust |
PR09 |
Periodic Review 2009 |
River Basin Management Plans |
Restore habitat: |
Restoration of those area of a habitat that are deemed degraded in quality to return them to good condition, through positive management and/r cessation of damaging processes. |
Rights of Way Improvement Plan |
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds |
Regional Spatial Strategy |
Regional Woodland Strategy |
Species Action Plan |
Strategic Environmental Assessment |
Shoreline Management Plan |
Site of Special Scientific Interest |
Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes |
WT |
Woodland Trust |
Access to Natural Greenspace Standards |
BAP: |
Biodiversity Action Plan. In 1994 the UK launched its Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) as the first formal step towards implementation of CBD. In 2002 the England Biodiversity Strategy duly followed. Now the UK BAP comprises Species Action Plans (SAP’s) and Habitat Action Plans (HAP’s), all aimed at conserving and enhancing our most threatened biodiversity. |
British Broadcasting Corporation |
BC |
Butterfly Conservation |
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform |
Biodiversity: |
The sheer variety of life forms, encompassing all flora, fauna and even micro-organisms. Biodiversity is found in all parts of the environment - both rural and urban. From parks, community greenspaces and Local Nature Reserves to large-scale land and seascapes. Biodiversity provides us with a vital and vigorous resource from which we can all benefit.
It has been alleged that biodiversity is much less rich than 50 years ago and remains under pressure from a wide range of threats – from local intensification of pressures on land, to global climate change.
Biological Diversity: Following the UN’s Earth Summit in 1992 the UK, along with another 150 other signatories, ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This was the world’s first treaty providing a legal framework for biodiversity conservation. |
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers |
British Trust for Ornithology |
British Wind Energy Association |
Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies |
Convention on Biological Diversity |
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science |
Coastal Habitat Management Plan prepared forSAC/SPA/
RAMSARsites to quantify predicted habitat changes and recommend preventative/offsetting measures |
Country Land and Business Association |
Coastal squeeze |
The situation when valuable salt marsh and mudflat habitats, with their associated species, are squeezed between rising sea levels and man-made defences, resulting in the gradual loss of these habitats, as they are unable to migrate landward in response to the changing sea levels. |
Create habitat: |
Increase area of the habitat beyond its current extent. This includes the creation of lost habitat in areas where it formerly occurred. Wherever possible, habitat expansion should aim to link or extend existing areas of that particular habitat type. |
CWS/Local Wildlife Sites |
County Wildlife Sites |
Defra |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
EA |
Environment Agency |
Ecosystems |
The interlocking nature of biodiversity along with land and soil, water and air. In effect the quality of biodiversity, both in terms of species and their habitats, determines the health of the natural world’s ecosystems.
An ecosystem’s strength is important, as robust systems deliver more services. For instance, flood attenuation occurs naturally in the floodplains where river systems have remained untouched. Thus protection of biodiversity aids the overall resilience of ecosystems, which duly offer more protection to society. |
Ecosystem services: |
This refers to qualitative functions of natural non-produced assets of land, water and air (including related ecosystems) and their biota. There are three basic types of environmental services:
(a) disposal services, which reflect the functions of the natural environment as an absorptive sink for residuals,
(b) productive services, which arise from the economic advantages derived through natural resource inputs and space for production and consumption, and
(c) consumer or consumption services which provide for physiological as well as recreational and related needs of human beings |
East of England Biodiversity Forum |
East of England Development Agency |
East of England Landscape Forum |
East of England Local Government Association |
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Delivery Plan Action Tables |
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7 October 2014 (pdf, 191kb) |
8 July 2014 (pdf, 192kb) |
8 July 2014 Local Food document (pdf, 556kb) |
25 March 2014 (pdf, 294kb) |
8 October 2013 (pdf, 187kb) |
3 July 2013 (pdf, 463kb) |
19 March 2013 (pdf, 215kb) |
11 October 2012 (pdf, 28kb) |
3 July 2012 (doc, 34kb) |
25 November 2011 (pdf, 26kb) |
21 July 2011 (pdf, 12kb) |
7 April 2011 (doc, 34kb) |
3 February 2011 (doc, 23kb) |
14 October 2010 (doc, 54kb) |
23rd July 2010 (doc, 43kb) |
21st April 2010 (doc, 54kb) |
28th Jan 2010 (doc, 39kb) |
Oct 2009 (doc, 794kb) |
July 2009 (doc, 52kb) |
April 2009 (doc, 34kb) |
April 2009 (doc, 34kb) |
16 March 2009 (doc, 28kb) |
11 March 2009 (doc, 38kb) |
2 Feb 2009 (doc, 36kb) |
22 Jan 2009 (doc, 37kb) |
Jan 2009 (doc, 92kb) |
18 Dec 2008 (doc, 36kb) |
6 Oct 2008 (doc, 47kb) |
Oct 2008 (doc, 78kb) |
24 July 2008 (doc, 41kb) |
July 2008 (doc, 61kb) |
24 April 2008 (doc, 338kb) |
10 April 2008 (doc, 26kb) |
April 2008 (doc, 70kb) |
24 Jan 2008 (doc, 37kb) |
10 Jan 2008 (doc, 35kb) |
18 Oct 2007 (doc, 329kb) |
1 Oct 2007 (doc, 338kb) |
Aug 2007 EofEWorkplandraft (xls, 22kb) |
14 Jun 2007 (doc, 34kb) |
1 Jun 2007 (doc, 29kb) |
17 April 2007 (doc, 37kb) |
3 April 2007 (doc, 52kb) |
27 Feb 2007 (doc, 72kb) |
5 Feb 2007 (doc, 380kb) |
5 Feb 2007-LBAPs (doc, 45kb) |
7 Nov 2006 (doc, 325kb) |
1 Aug 2006 (doc, 325kb) |
9 May 2006 (doc, 328kb) |
14 Feb 2006 (doc, 324kb) |
13 Dec 2005 (doc, 351kb) |
4 Oct 2005 (doc, 347kb) |
2 Sep 2005 (doc, 329kb) |
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Planting Trees to Protect Water (pdf 809kb) |
Stemming the Flow (pdf 1.1mb) |
NCAs Maulden Wood (pdf 3.5mb) |
Developing the Ecological Evidence Base (pdf 4.6mb) |
BS42020 (pdf 14kb) |
Ancient Woodland Standing Advice (pdf 220kb) |
LNP Engagement Maps (pdf 820kb) |
Grants Flyer (pdf 3.9mb) |
Woodland Update EEBF_Oct 2014 (pdf 3.8mb) |
SBP report 29 Sep 14 (pdf 1.3mb) |
Deer Tagging Project July 2014 (pdf 193kb) |
EEBF 24.3.14 catchment partnership (pptx 2.4mb) |
SBP Moving Forward March 2014 (pdf 203kb) |
Oak processionary moth (OPM) (pdf 2.5mb) |
Birmingham Tree Bond 001.jpg (jpeg 252kb) |
Birmingham Tree Bond 002.jpg (jpeg 266kb) |
Woodland potential calc oct 2012.pdf (pdf 1.75mb) |
LVRPA presentation oct 2012.pdf (pdf 416kb) |
IPF EEBF presentation oct 2012.pdf (pdf 205kb) |
Fens_Plan_Final_Report (with maps) (pdf 8.75mb) |
Fens Proposed Enhanced Ecological Network A3 FINAL (pdf 6.8mb) |
Fens Proposed Enhanced Ecological Network A0 FINAL (pdf7.2mb) |
Fens Biodiversity Audit DRAFT (pdf 6.3mb) |
Project 1 Improving Data Final Report (pdf 650kb) |
Project 1 Improving Data Final Report Appendices (pdf 815kb) |
Project 2 Advocacy Final project report (pdf 400kb) |
Project 2 Advocacy Final Project Report Appendices (pdf 700kb) |
Anglian RBP Detailed Comments from the EEBF (doc, 63kb) |
Biodiversity Audit 2002 (pdf, 789kb) |
Biodiversity Funding (ppt, 219kb) |
Cambridge NERC Handouts (pdf, 4mb) |
Conference Individual Actions (doc, 66kb) |
Defining Networking Nature Schemes (doc, 1.8mb) |
Delivering Natural Development Solutions (ppt, 98kb) |
EEBDF (pdf, 330kb) |
EEBF Constitution-Terms of Ref (doc, 610kb) |
EofEngland Biodiversity Data Needs Report (pdf, 2mb) |
EofEngland Biodiversity Network Report (pdf, 1.8mb) |
Final EEBF Response to EEIP (doc, 43kb) |
Habitat Targets 1996-2010 (pdf, 1.4mb) |
LUC Biodiversity Condition Report (March'09) (pdf, 4.3mb) |
Meeting Water Supply Needs (ppt, 3.6mb) |
Securing Biodiversity (pdf, 1.2mb) |
The EofEngland and EEDA (ppt, 2mb) |
Wild Ideas for the Eastern Region (ppt, 4mb) |
Wild Ideas Word for Word Report (doc, 1.8mb) |
Cranfield_RSPB_Fenland peat assessment_Final 2009 (doc, 2.5mb) |
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