Complex and constantly evolving |

Aside from the Wash, there are two stretches of Heritage Coast:
- The North Norfolk Coast is the UK’s only example of a classic barrier beach system, with its saltmarsh and creeks behind sand and shingle dunes and bars.
- While the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area is one of Britain’s finest landscapes. It covers almost 400 square kilometres and includes within it wildlife-rich wetlands, ancient heaths, windswept shingle beaches and historic towns and villages.
• Over 60% of this coast is environmentally designated for nationally and internationally important wild plants and animals, a myriad of breeding and non-breeding waders, wildfowl and other wetland birds.
• CHaMPS and SMPs (see Glossary) are being developed for much of the coast.
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Challenge 4: ‘Responding to a changing coast’
With much of the Region's coast and estuaries of international significance for wildlife and/or habitats, over 60% of it is already environmentally designated. Yet most of it is threatened by climate change triggering increased flooding, erosion and coastal squeeze.
Nevertheless the Forum is aiming for long-term sustainability by making space for nature in advance of this anticipated freshwater, saltmarsh and mudflat habitat loss.
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Click here to view all the Challenges |